
>> Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I am completely overwhelmed by my intentions for the new year.  There is so much that I want to accomplish and I don't even know where to begin.  I know that I need to be sure to make time every day for devotions and bible study.  I also know that I want to begin journaling.  Refocusing on creativity is obviously very important to me.  Therefore, I would like to be able to spend more time crafting and sewing.

However, there are other things that are being called to my attention and seem to need to take front row.  We have a beach home to furnish, Christmas decorations are still up (I know, I know...), and I desperately need to declutter our home.  The decluttering process needs to happen for several reasons.  One, we have entirely too much stuff.  Stuff is overwhelming.  We don't even know what we have!  I know there are many families that exist with the same amount of useless stuff that we have, but I also know that there are probably a lot of things tucked into corners of our home that we could use to stock and furnish our beach home (which would save us a ton of money!).

So, number two reason:  to stock the beach home.  We have unused dishes, glasses, pots and pans, artwork, furniture, bedding, pillows, etc. that needs a home.

How will I do this?  Here's the plan:

  • I will start in our guest bedroom.  That is the room we use the least, so the mess will be out of sight (tucked away in the farthest corner of our home!).  I can use this room for operation headquarters (sounds so 007, doesn't it?). 
  • As I am going through each room, I will ask the following questions:
    • Can we use it?  If answer is yes....
    • Should it stay here or go to the beach?
      • Does it need repairing or reviving?
  • Can we use it?  If answer is no....
    • Can I sell it?
    • Can I donate it?
    • Should I trash it?
Once I have gone through the guest bedroom, I will do the following rooms (in order):

  1. Guest room  (Will become my sewing/craft room)
  2. Upstairs living area  (Will become play room)
  3. Upstairs sitting area/piano area
  4. Upstairs bathroom
  5. CC's room (Will become guest room)
  6. Master Bathroom
  7. Master Bedroom
  8. Sewing Room (Will become the kiddo's shared bedroom)
  9. Kiddos Bathroom
  10. Hall Closet
  11. Living Room
  12. Dining Room
  13. Kitchen
  14. Laundry Room
  15. Garage
  16. Yard
So, that's the plan.  Keep a close eye on my Ebay and Etsy Buttons.  As I find things that I hope to sell, they will be listed in one of those two places!!!

Would you care to join me on my journey to declutter?  Click the link at the top of the post!!!


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